Games to Play Alone!

Some people like to play games by themselves, here are three great singleplayer games.

Persona 5

Persona 5 title

Persona 5 is a game exclusive to the Playstation 4. It is a role playing game with turn-based combat. Many fans of this game enjoy the music and the visuals, as well as the solid gameplay and story. You play as a Phantom Thief, who steals the hearts of rotten adults who have a distorted view on society.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Breath of the Wild

Breath of the Wild is the newest Legend of Zelda game exclusive for Nintendo Switch. It is an adventure game that you can play any way you want. It has a wide landscape and lots of areas to explore. Many fans like the visuals and the freedom that this game gives you.

Portal 2

Portal 2

Portal 2 is a puzzle game where you have to navigate a broken down science lab by shooting portals on the walls to move to different places. The game is available on PC as well as some other consoles. Many fans like the crativity of each of the puzzles in this game.